Monday, May 11, 2009

4 Months

It's been four months since I've posted in my little France blog. Sorry about that. And there's no time for gripping prose or waxing poetic now, because I am in the countdown to exams-- sitting for the written portion next Monday, oral defense via Skype sometime later in the week. Will they go for the bull caca that I'm preparing to dish out??? We shall see. Maybe I shouldn't have taken that second trip to Barcelona, or that long weekend in Marseille... Hahahaha.

Friday, January 16, 2009

January Blue

After spending another Tender Tennessee Christmas at home with family and friends, I am back in the Old Country, back in the land of William the Conquerer and Marie Antoinette and Charles de Gaulle, back in the land of 3-hour lunches and groceries you bag yourself...

I have to admit that the charm of this beautiful town has begun to rub off just a little bit. Not in a bad way, just in a reality-setting-in sort of way-- kind of like being at Disney World, totally loving you some Magic Kingdom, and suddenly seeing Goofy, big fluffy head in hands, lighting up a cigarrette in the corner behind the Tiki Tiki Tiki Room. Your once-silly, favorite cartoon pup-come-to-life is now just some sweaty guy trying to get his nicotine fix. And your once far-away dream destination is now just a place where there is a 99.9% chance that you will step in dog shit each and every time you step out the front door.

That said, I am, in fact, happy to be back. I think all of this boo-hooing stems a little from the end of the holidays and a second round of goodbyes to everyone back home, and from a general sentiment of ennui and malcontent that evidently wafts through the air in this town at this time of year (much like the scent of the aforementioned dog poo). I have a lot to accomplish this semester (an overwhelming lot to accomplish). I'm nervous and excited about sitting for exams and hopefully completing my MA by the end of the summer. I have friends and family who are coming over that I can show the sights! I am learning so much about myself and what I want out of this life by living alone in a foreign country-- it's not all fun and games, and at times it's so hard I wonder whether I can really do it, but it's building me and changing me as a person and teaching me more than I ever could have imagined, and for that I cannot complain.